Saturday, January 24, 2009

fort & a movie

Last night we went to Pizza Factory with Trevor's cousin Kaden. There isn't a Pizza Factory in Layton, so Trevor was so happy to find out that there are two right by our house. After we ate, we were so tired and just wanting to relax. Trevor suggested we get all of our blankets out and make a fort and watch a movie on his laptop. Well here is what our "fort" ended up looking like - not quite a fort, but it was cozy.


Amberlin Gefrom said...

hehe one time Paul and I set up our camping tent and camped out in the front room! such good times but sometimes its nice to just chill and relax!

Richard B said...

It's always fun to be a kid and do fun things to keep us young. However, at my age, when I do kid stuff, people don't think that.

Jeanette Cox said...

That sounds like what Kaden and Trevor and Trevor's brothers did as kids. Its fun to see you two having fun together again and working together too.