Wednesday, December 10, 2008

{simplifying my life}

As we are moving to Orem I decided I should go through all of my stuff so that I don't move things that I don't want, wear, or use often. I have a TON of clothes that I never wear - and I have pictures to prove it. Throughout the past few years I was going with the idea: Quantity over Quality. I've decided to simplify my life by getting rid of all of the clothes, shoes, and purses I never use. Trevor is actually very savvy when it comes to style, so he helped me go through all of my clothes (as long as I promised not to get my feelers hurt when he said something had to go) and we did it! Just a mere five and a half bags to DI. It's nice to know that someone will be thrilled to see the clothes/shoes/boots/and bags I've donated. What a great program our church has.

We did a quick run through of Trevor's clothes, and this was his DI pile!


Devri said...

Wow, way to go Jenny! That's a lot of clothes.
We did the same thing when we moved a few months ago. It feels so good to get rid of the clothes and know they are going to someone that needs them.

Lyndsi said...

Haha that is hilarious Jenny! I should probably do that too...I'm such a pack rat! When are you guys moving?

Lachelle said...

HAHA!!! oh my gosh!! You go girl! I go through my stuff and get rid of about 4 bags a month, it's ridiculous how much stuff we accumulate and just keep because we "think" we'll wear it sometime!! haha

laura said...

Way to go! That is one stocked DI!

I hope you didn't get rid of those cute pants I wore in the summer. If you ever desire to rid yourself of those, send them over!

p.s. I tried on skinny jeans at Charlotte Rousse and almost bought them but didn't. I should, right?

Janet said...

Good job, Jenny! I bet that felt good!

Amberlin Gefrom said...

haha thats awesome..I love Trev's pic

Gram said...

I am proud of you Jenny! It is so nice that you listened to Trevor. I always believe that quality is better than quantity. If you haven't hauled it to DI, was there anything we could have sent to Caitlin? Your things are probably too grown up for her and maybe even too small. Trevor has learned being a missionary that you really don't need that many clothes. Someone is going to be happy to get your things.

Kylie Jones said...

Wow!!! I should probably do the same thing! Well I kinda did since I've moved too! Have you two found a place yet?

Troy said...

Make sure you include those girly pants that Trevor's so embarrassing.

Unknown said...

We love our townhouse and we love the neighborhood even more. It's a party all the time.
I know there are several for rent right now. Let me know what you think and what you decide. Which one were you looking at?

Unknown said...
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