Tuesday, August 21, 2012

4th Anniversary

 It's hard to believe that Trevor and I have been married for four years! To celebrate our anniversary we spent the day shopping for a refrigerator for our house :) We went to lunch with Karrissa and Joe at Chubby's. Then later that evening we went to Sakura for dinner. We had a nice and chill day together. I'm so grateful for our marriage. I always thought we would have a baby by now, but I am grateful for the way things have turned out. 2012 is a good year: Winston, townhouse, and baby girl. I'm so grateful for Trevor. He has been especially incredible this past year. He works extra hard at work everyday so that I can take care of my mom. Happy Anniversary to us!


Eric and Shayly said...

Happy Anniversary Jenny! I love you both! So crazy how fast time flies! Can't wait for your beautiful baby girl to be here:)

Erica said...

Yay for your marriage turning 4!!:)

Chelsea said...

love you guys! such great examples!

Gram said...

Yes, Happy Anniversary indeed. You two are special people. I am so happy that you have had the support from Trevor to be such an angel to your Mother! Thanks for all you do!