Monday, July 23, 2012

Cabin Time!

A few weeks ago my mom and I went up to the cabin together. We enjoyed the day reading and relaxing and the next day Mary and her kiddos came up. It's always nice spending some time at the beautiful cabin with the amazing scenery surrounding us. I enjoyed spending alone time with my mom. Even though we can't talk to each other, we feel close and can communicate through other ways. She patted me three times as we were going to sleep, telling me that she loves me. I sure love my mom!


kelsey and murray said...

Jenny this made me cry- what a special bond you share with your sweet momma. it definitely shows. I sure admire you both so much!

Karrissa Winward said...

I love all the time you get to spend with your adorable mom and sisters! Thanks for sharing that special moment!

Gram said...

I loved that post Jenny and it was so nice you could take your Mom to the cabin and stay with her overnight. She does love being up there. I am happy she was comfortable being away from home with you.

I have to say I am a little jealous that Hannah loves you so much!!