Sunday, May 20, 2012

visiting the graves

 In honor of Memorial Day I went with my parents and Laura and her kids to visit a few graves. We trimmed around the headstones and placed flowers on them. I have fond memories from when I was a kid going to visit the graves of my ancestors with my dad. He would buy us a bev and some treats and would tell us about the person's grave we were visiting. I'm grateful I have those memories and want to continue that tradition with my future children one day. It's important that we remember the meaning of these holidays and not just the BBQ's and fun activities we do. 

1 comment:

Gram said...

I am so happy you were able to go with your parents and Laura to visit the graves. I remember when your Nana and Papa would take all of you and candy and drinks along with the flowers and make a day of it. I know your father appreciated you going. You and your Mom are adorable together.

THANKS Jenny for all the good work you do in taking care of your Mom and working to make her life easier. The lord will remember those kindnesses and I appreciate them too.