Monday, April 11, 2011

New York, Day 5

Today was our last full day in New York. We ran a few errands, played at home, and went to dinner at a restaurant in Tuckahoe.
Trevor and I gave Hannah this outfit. There are ruffles on the bum :)
It was 80 degrees at one point today, so the kids were loving playing outside. I went out to check on them and they were pretending that they were watching fireworks. Andrew could seriously be a little actor!
Three sisters at dinner

It was so much fun spending time with my sisters. We had a blast and made some great memories! I am so glad I was able to go visit Laura and meet baby Hannah; it was so fun to travel and spend time with Mary. Laura is an incredible mother and I look up to her so much!
I love my seesters!


Jesse and Alysha Lanham said...

Hannah is so cute!! It looks like you had a lot of fun:)

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Sounds like you guys are having a blast! I can't believe it was 80 degrees, that sounds heavenly right now being in Logan's snow. Also, adorable little gap outfit :)

The Welsh's said...

You look like a natural & oh so comfortable with that little one on you! Looks like a fun trip!