Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 7

I am grateful for my car. I am so blessed to have such a great car. My dad got me this car in the summer before my junior year. I loved it then, and I love it now. It gets great gas milage and it's been a perfect car for me! Thanks Dad.

I know I'm weird, but I think my car has the cutest little bum:)


Gram said...

You are one lucky lady to have a Mom and Dad that got you such a cute car when you were a Junior. It is a lovely car and should last you a long time. (too bad you couldn't get those that 'keyed' it to pay for the damage.)

Aubree Jo said...

hey I found your blog. It is so cute!! We definitely need to go out or have a game night?!

Richard said...

I'm glad I bought you that car. I wish it were a Mini Cooper! I love you!

Janet said...

I'm glad you like your car. It's a good little car!